About Mlini - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Mlini recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Mlini, Dubrovnik
Mlini is the perfect starting point for visiting Dubrovnik, the surrounding ruins and islands that seem to detach from the coast to Italy. A combination of almost virgin nature, heritage of history and proximity to one of the most important cities of the country that make it the ideal destination for families and for more adventurous travelers. The climate in Mlini is Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and short winters, with mild temperatures. Mlini is in the GMT +1 time zone, the currency of use is Kuna.
As in any Mediterranean city, beaches are one of the main attractions of Mlini. No matter what else you can offer, its history, art or leisure, whenever you travel in the Mediterranean, our first thought is directed to the moment when the water rubs our feet for the first time.
Mlini beaches are small quiet bays, some are not easy to find and this is its main point of attraction, the ideal place for those who want to relax and enjoy nature in an almost virgin state, without crowding tourists.
As a rule, the beaches in the locality are of fine sand, but some wilder beaches are composed of small pebbles that give a different landscape. The Mediterranean Sea, temperate and calm, complements the image with the nearby vegetation, which in most cases allows natural shading in some parts of the beaches. Despite the fact that they are isolated and very careful to perceive the human hand, the beaches of Mlini offer all kinds of catering services, umbrellas and essential items.
Mlini | Located on the Adriatic coast, Mlini is a quiet city that boasts a calm sea to offer its visitors throughout the year. The bay of Zupa was originally a place of fishermen who, little by little, have given part of their land to swimmers and tourists increasingly
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