Csizmadia(hu), group of friends - 08/23/2012:
Nagyon jOl ereztuk magunkat! :smile: az apartmanban voltak aprObb hianyossagok, de egyik sem volt tulzottan zavarO. a mikrohullamu suto eleinte hianyzott picit, a parkolOba kicsit nehez beallni, es a zuhanyrOzsara raferne egy kis ...
cristian, group of friends - 08/17/2011:
the house looks even better than in pictures, beautiful garden, very plesant and friendly host. the private beach in Crikvenica is great especially for the small kids.
Tóth(en), group of friends - 08/22/2010:
apartamentul Nisa (2392-a) 3 minute de mers de plaja si de centru. Este pe inceputul unei fundatura, asa destul de asemenea. Camerele sunt in cautarea de Nord si de Est, astfel ca wasnt cald, la toate. aC functioneaza bine, dar di...
berlikova(sk), group of friends - 08/21/2009:
den.My bune in acest apartament am stat in caz de 8,8 15.8.2009.Je foarte frumos, spatios, doua terase imense, camere de echipament, bucatarii, toalete nadstandardne.Je aici este doar tot ceea ce am fiecare gospodarie o . (pe pros...