About Crikvenica - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Crikvenica recieved a rating of 4.6 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (43 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Crikvenica, Kvarner
Crikvenica is the largest settlement on the coast near Vinodol, Croatia, and developed on an area that was in the era Romanian settlement (a military base) called Turres Ad. The city population is 7121 inhabitants (2001 census).
It is situated on the Adriatic coast, near Rijeka, Primorje-Gorski Kotar capital of the province. In the last twenty years due to urban expansion Crikvenica and Selce building near the city, the two have merged into a mini-conglomerate. Towns near Crikvenica are Kraljevica and Novi Vinodolski.
Old Crikvenica is considered to be a village called Kotor, which is located on the hill nearby and share with the village name. The name comes from a city church (Croatian: crkva = church - in dialect crikva) Father Pauline Monastery, built by Nikola Frankopan around 1412. In 1760 the castle was moved to Crikvenica Bribir and thus became the center of all Vinodol.
In the 19th century Crikvenica became attractive for many tourists who have changed history. In 1877 a port was built in Crikvenica, a beach in 1888 and in 1891 opened the first hotel. The hotel was opened in 1895 Therapia, with a capacity of 120 seats and the Institute of Hydrotherapy. In 1902 Crikvenica Hotel was built in 1903, and in 1905 the Hotel Bellevue Hotel Miramare. In 1906 Crikvenica was officially a resort.
Due to its favorable climate, during the 16 years, Crikvenica became the most important resort on the Riviera. Today, along with Selce, is one of the most attractive parts of the Kvarner coast, north coast of the Adriatic and Croatia in general.
Crikvenica | Crikvenica is the largest settlement on the coast near Vinodol, Croatia, and developed on an area that was in the era Romanian settlement (a military base) called Turres Ad. The city population is 7121 inhabitants (2001 census)
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