About Tucepi - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Tucepi recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (8 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Tucepi, Middle Dalmatia
According to a local folk legend, the Venetian Doge Pietri I Candiano is buried here. In fact, the first of the four Venetian Doges of the Candiano family, Pietro, died on 18 September, 886, in a battle against the Neretvans who defeated the Venetian fleet near Makarska.
After his defeat the Venetian made a treaty with Prince Branimir in 888, agreeing to pay the Croatian rulers a tribute for the right to sail and trade unmolested along the Adriatic, which they had to adhere to until the end of the 10th century.
Tucepi | Tučepi (pronounced [tǔtʃɛpi]) is a small town and municipality in the Split-Dalmatia County of Croatia. It is located on the Adriatic coast of Dalmatia known as Makarska riviera, about 5 km southeast of Makarska, population 1,763 (2001)
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