About Split - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Split recieved a rating of 4.6 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (12 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Split, Middle Dalmatia
Split (Spalato called in Italian) is the largest and most important city in Dalmatia, and the second city in Croatia. The city was Venice, Venice dominated by the fourteenth century till 1797, and the historic old town and Diocletian's Palace are inscribed on the UNESCO world cultural heritage list.
As the foundation of Dubrovnik, Split and the foundation has a nice story, in which Latinos are residents of the great metropolis mix Adriatic Salona (today Solin, two steps away from Split), and greedy invaders, accompanied by the Slavs. Salona invaded in the early seventh century, Avar-Slav hordes laughed it off the face of the earth, so that the survivors took refuge in the former Palace of Diocletian, building houses, shops and churches from the Roman ruins of the palace and making Palace of the nucleus of the new city of Split.
Split is the second largest city in Croatia, with about 200,000 inhabitants, and the largest city on the Adriatic coast, whose history begins in ancient times, when Greek settlers founded the first settlement here probably in the mid third century. Later, under Romanian rule, Spalatum (Spllit future) would become one of favorite cities in the emperor Diocletian, who built an impressive residence here.
Construction began in 295 beautiful palace and ten years later it was over, and the king would spend the last years of his life here, until 313. Palace, one of the most beautiful architectural creations of the Roman period, will then be a favorite residences of government officials.
In XII - XIV city grew rapidly in 1420 because armies to conquer the powerful Venetian fortress, desired by many. After Venetian rule was removed in 1797, Split was ruled by Austria, then France, before becoming, after 1918, one of Yugoslavia's cities. After 1920 Split town enter again into a period of rapid development for 1941 to be occupied by Italian troops. It is issued for the first time in 1943, after the Italian surrender, and again in 1944.
Split | Split (Spalato called in Italian) is the largest and most important city in Dalmatia, and the second city in Croatia. The city was Venice, Venice dominated by the fourteenth century till 1797, and the historic old town and Diocletian's Palace are inscribed
on the UNESCO world cultural heritage list
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