About Solta - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Solta recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (15 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Solta, Island Croatia
Solta Island Solta and is situated on the Adriatic island of Brac West, 15 km south of Split and the islands east of Drvenik.
Solta Island has a length of 19 km, width up to 5 km and 58.9 km ² area. On the island villages are Donje Selo, Selo Gornji, grunting, Necujam, olives, Rogac, and Stomorska Srednje Sel.
Solta Island tourism has a tradition since ancient times, when he was a favorite vacation destination for noble Romans of Salona, they called the island Soletta. And today one can see the ruins of those times.
Island Solta is an economic and cultural center of Dalmatia, gathering many personalities over time in Croatia. Today the island has remained an oasis of natural beauty, away from industrial and tourism civilitatiei traces mass.
Solta | Solta Island Solta and is situated on the Adriatic island of Brac West, 15 km south of Split and the islands east of Drvenik.
Solta Island has a length of 19 km, width up to 5 km and 58.9 km ² area
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