About Sibenik - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Sibenik recieved a rating of 4.4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (40 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Sibenik, Middle Dalmatia
Sibenik (Sibenico in Italian) is a city in the eastern part of Croatia, at the mouth of the river Krka in the Adriatic Sea. Canton is the capital of Sibenik-Knin. It has a majority ethnic-Croat, making up 94.02% of the population. The main church in town, St. James, is the 2000 UNESCO World Heritage list.
Unlike other cities along the Adriatic coast, which were founded by the Greeks, Illyrians and Romans, Sibenik was founded by Slavs. Excavations at castelulu Saint Michael, showed that the site was inhabited long before the actual arrival of the Croats. It was first mentioned under its current name in 1066, a Croatian King Petar Kresimir Charter IV and, for a period of time, Croatia was a king's seat. For this reason, Sibenik is also called "grade Kresimirov (Kresimir's town). It is the oldest Croatian town on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea.
Between 11th and 12th centuries, Sibenik was played between Venice and Byzantium, Hungary and the Kingdom of Bosnia, until it was finally conquered by the Venetians in 1116. Get orasabea was granted in 1298. The city, like the rest of Dalmatia, fighting with the Venetians resisted for three years until 1412. Ottoman Empire began to threaten Sibenik, in the late 15th century, but never managed to conquer it.
In the 16th century, and St. Nicholas was built by 17th century fortress, its fortifications were again improved by the cities of St. John (Tanaja) and Subicevac (Barone). The fall of the Venetian Republic in 1797 brought under the authority of the Habsburg monarchy Sibenik.
Sibenik has a Mediterranean climate with mild winters and wet summers are hot and dry. January and February are the coldest and July and August are the hottest months. In July the average maximum temperature is about 30 ° C.
Sibenik is a political, educational, industrial and tourist region of Sibenik-Knin.
Sibenik | Sibenik (Sibenico in Italian) is a city in the eastern part of Croatia, at the mouth of the river Krka in the Adriatic Sea. Canton is the capital of Sibenik-Knin. It has a majority ethnic-Croat, making up 94
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