About Rabac - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Rabac recieved a rating of 4.1 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (6 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Rabac, Istria Peninsula
Rabac is a small village located in the bay from the east coast of Istria. Stretching before Velim Vratima at the main entrance in Rijeka Bay, opposite the island of Cres and at the foot Labina. The main occupations are fishing and tourism.
Currently, there are 3 hotels on the beach, a camping and numerous villas and apartments for rent.
Rabac | Rabac resort is located 5 km from LA and is one of the most visited resorts in Istria East. Old fishing village in the late nineteenth century was named the Pearl of the Adriatic became a highly acclaimed tourist destination
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