About Pula - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Pula recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (8 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Pula, Istria Peninsula
Pula (Pula Croatian, Italian Pola) is the largest city in the historical region of Istria in Croatia, situated in the south of the Istrian peninsula. Heliomarină is a famous resort and an important tourist center known for its moderate climate, gentle waters, but well preserved nature and rich historical and cultural heritage. The city has a long tradition in wine, fish, shipbuilding and tourism. Pula has also been the administrative center of Istria in ancient Rome.
The town is well known for its many surviving buildings from the Roman period, including the auditorium of the century, called the local arena. Arena is one of the best preserved amphitheatres from antiquity and is still used today during the summer film festivals. Two other notable and well-preserved structures are the first century triumphal arch, the Arch of Sergius and the Temple of Apollo built in honor of the first century Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus. It is also possible to ride through the old narrow streets with pavement novel of the city, which were built medieval and Renaissance buildings.
As a result of its rich political history, Pula is a city with a cultural mix of peoples and languages of the Mediterranean and Central Europe, ancient and contemporary. City architecture reflects these layers of history that have left over the city. Residents are fluent in foreign languages, especially Italian, and German or English.
Pula Croatia has many activities that are very diverse and cater to any vacationer. Probably the activity that Pula is most well known for is its world class diving; Pula’s diving includes sights such as ancient shipwrecks, and a wide variety of aquatic animals such as hippocampus and manatees. Besides Diving Pula has many other athletic activities that can be found not only in the resorts, but also in the city or on the beaches.
Pula | Pula (Pula Croatian, Italian Pola) is the largest city in the historical region of Istria in Croatia, situated in the south of the Istrian peninsula. It is a famous resort and an important tourist heliomarină known for its moderate climate, gentle waters,
but well preserved nature and rich historical and cultural heritage
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