About Porec - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Porec recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (18 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Porec, Istria Peninsula
Porec is a beautiful historical city located in the western part of Istria, a city which enjoys a history of over 2,000 years, many outstanding archaeological and historical areas. Schedule was based on the structure of a Roman camp. Situated between the bay and the mouth of the Lim river Mirna, protected island St. Nikola, Porec concedu offers all the conditions of a perfect party.
The city has a beautiful historic houses built in Roman style, and Cardo Maximus Decumanus streets and preserved in their original beauty. Euphrasius Church (sec. V) is one of the most important cultural monuments in Porec, is under UNESCO protection since 1997. Also deserve attention and central parliament church built in Baroque Gothic Franciscan Palace.
The city has two beautiful lagoons: Plava Laguna (Blue Lagoon) and Zelena Laguna (Laguna Verde). Most accommodation establishments are concentrated around these two lagoons.
Tourism in Porec is not just sun, beach and sea, visitors to the city considering the historically for its many values. You can find museums, art galleries and centuries-old architecture with chic streets that were built during the Roman Empire. Porec is also known as the capital of Croatian tourism.
Porec | Porec is a beautiful historical city located in the western part of Istria, a city which enjoys a history of over 2,000 years, many outstanding archaeological and historical areas. Schedule was based on the structure of a Roman camp
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