About Pag - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Pag recieved a rating of 4.6 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (50 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Pag, Island Croatia
Pag is the third largest of the islands Kvarner, Kvarner and located between the Velebit channel. The interior of the island seems to be barren and inhospitable to life. Here live about 8,000 people who take care of a total of three times more than sheep to collect every wisp of grass. In the desert of the island, except sage, vegetation seems to be lacking.
The main settlements on the island of Pag is the town with an attractive and historic Novalja, a modern settlement with a vibrant nightlife, reminiscent of Ibiza.
Now a long time, Page was an island with lush vegetation and a flourishing agriculture. The Romans founded the settlement here in the first century, the island having a relatively quiet life for the next 1,300 years. Once leaders have taken Venice island of Pag, massive deforestation, sheep and strong winds have irreparably traumatized land island. Although the Venetians are responsible for the present aspect of the island, they have raised many buildings and in the mid-fifteenth century, the salt trade was so flourishing, that the old town was added to another town Pag today.
Pag | Pag is the third largest of the islands Kvarner, Kvarner and located between the Velebit channel. The interior of the island seems to be barren and inhospitable to life. Here live about 8,000 people who take care of a total of three times more than sheep
to collect every wisp of grass
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