About Novigrad - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Novigrad recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (5 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Novigrad, Istria Peninsula
Novigrad is a resort on the shores of Istria, with a Venetian-style bell tower, which rises from the town center. Novigrad is a small historic town situated in a bay where both buildings with Mediterranean architecture and fortification system were preserved.
Past centuries have left a rich cultural heritage, visible today on the narrow winding streets and small shops. Much of old town buildings have been replaced or rebuilt, there are few examples of original architecture, but the city has a pleasant atmosphere and the streets are ideal for long rides.
Small and chic town of Novigrad in Croatia is located on the west side of the Istrian peninsula and is a beautiful and historic cultural center of the area. The old town is situated on a small peninsula near the area of the river Mirna in the sea - the largest river in Istria.
The historic center of town is famous due to the beautiful medieval narrow streets, ancient walls and guarded by St. Pelages. Built since the time the city has attracted thousands of Romanian travel and tourist guide first appeared in 1845 due to the efforts of Pietro Kandler. Residential area of Novigrad is baroque and was built in 1762. The famous Palace was built by Rigo Rigo Carl - illustrious member of the aristocracy of the city Novigrad.
Novigrad | Novigrad is a resort on the shores of Istria, with a Venetian-style bell tower, which rises from the town center. Novigrad is a small historic town situated in a bay where both buildings with Mediterranean architecture and fortification system were preserved
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