About Novi Vinodolski - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Novi Vinodolski recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (21 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Novi Vinodolski, Kvarner
Novi Vinodolski, another destination on the Kvarner tourist that a small settlement at the foot or more specifically Velebitului Velebitului channel. Location is similar surroundings Crikvenica Ispred, Otok, Krk.
Besides tourism, Novi Vinodolski is important because the Code Vinodolski, one of the most important documents of the Middle Ages (year 1288). Novi Vinodolski is trimmed and the center of his old monastery ruins Pavlin, Franciscan castle with four towers, Mažuranić brothers house and more.
Access to Novi Vinodolski is very easy. It is situated at a distance of 30 km from Krk airport and 50 km from the highway Zagreb - Split (dalmatina).
Novi Vinodolski | Novi Vinodolski, another destination on the Kvarner tourist that a small settlement at the foot or more specifically Velebitului Velebitului channel. Location is similar surroundings Crikvenica Ispred, Otok, Krk
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