About Mljet - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Mljet recieved a rating of 4.4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (5 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Mljet, Island Croatia
The largest of the islands by South Dalmatia Mljet Korcula is, part of which is protected as national park. Mljet is often overlooked by visitors, which focuses on islands further north, but it is one of the wildest islands in Croatia.
According to local myth, here was held captive by Calypso Odysseus, for seven years. Mljet Island is located on the southern coast of Croatia, near Dubrovnik, the most popular holiday destination of the Croats. Mljet Island is one of the most beautiful holiday resorts in Croatia, she was visited by families who are looking for a relaxing holiday.
One of the attractions of the island of Mljet is an island on the lake bed where there is the old Benedictine monastery, with a calm-water channel that connects one of the lakes to the Adriatic waters, and one of the wildest landscapes of Dalmatia.
If you choose to stay on the Island of Mljet, you should know that here you will find no nightclubs, but terraces, restaurants and taverns where mirth and conquers the most difficult clients. Mljet Island is perfect for tourists who are on their honeymoon, as here can take advantage of wild landscapes, deserted beaches, the fancy villas hidden in the hills or walking through the forest. All those who spend their holiday on the Island of Mljet are enslaved by the enchanting scenery, excellent quality of the beaches, hotels, and Croatian cuisine.
Mljet | The largest of the islands by South Dalmatia Mljet Korcula is, part of which is protected as national park. Mljet is often overlooked by visitors, which focuses on islands further north, but it is one of the wildest islands in Croatia
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