About Medulin - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Medulin recieved a rating of 4.4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (15 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Medulin, Istria Peninsula
Medulin is one of the most popular resorts in Istria and part of the top 10 most popular resorts on the Adriatic coast. Its fast development of natural resources is based on the special landscape.
Each traveler can find here a place of relaxation and peace, rich, ravishing landscapes, but also can spend a vacation here because of its remarkable growth. Medulin bay is ideal for water sports activities.
From a village of farmers and fishermen, Medulin has turned into a resort representative for Istria and the Adriatic coast. The resort is noted for its pristine nature and fresh air.
Medulin | Medulin is one of the most popular resorts in Istria and part of the top 10 most popular resorts on the Adriatic coast. Its fast development of natural resources is based on the special landscape.
Each traveler can find here a place of relaxation and peace, rich, ravishing landscapes, but also can spend a vacation here because of its remarkable growth
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