About Losinj - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Losinj recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (16 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Losinj, Island Croatia
Losinj Island is the most popular island in the northern Adriatic Sea, one of Europe places on most days of sunshine a year. Losinj Island is characterized by dense pine forests and jagged coast.
Island to enjoy the benefits of a favorable climate all year round.
The two most characteristic village are: Veli Losinj (Lussingrande) pitoareasca fishing village with pastel colored baroque houses grouped around the bay, with curved streets and small houses located in a green area on the coast, and Mali Losinj (Lussinpiccolo ), the tourist village, which is located on the northern coast of the island. Lussino Island is crossed by a single street and it can go ashore on the island of Cres a line of boats bound to be either on the Istrian island of Krk.
Losinj Airport is 6 km from Mali Losin. Distances from major islands: Veli Losinj - 4 km, Osor - 20 km, islands of Susak - 7 nautical miles, the island Ilovik - 9 miles Unije island - 13 miles.
Losinj | Losinj Island is the most popular island in the northern Adriatic Sea, one of Europe places on most days of sunshine a year. Losinj Island is characterized by dense pine forests and jagged coast.
Island to enjoy the benefits of a favorable climate all year round
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