About Lopar - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Lopar recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Lopar, Lopar Island Rab
The municipality is located in the northeastern part of Rab island. Near its coast are the two small islands Goli Otok and Sveti Grgur. Lopar is popular for its sandy beaches such as San Marino beach or Sahara beach. The present-day Lopar was created as a settlement that stood the test of time from the early stone age to the fourth century BC. In this location, an ancient Greek military castle was formed, the remains of which still bear witness to Lopar's history. Natural resources, a rich history and cultural and historical heritage are the basis of tourism, which is the main economic branch with a centuries-old tradition. The development of tourism reduced the share of the agricultural population and increased the share of the active population in the tertiary activities.
Lopar | Lopar is a Croatian municipality of Primorje county - Gorski Kotar. It gained the status of municipality in 2006, and its population is 1,263 inhabitants.
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