About Krk - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Krk recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (31 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Krk, Island Croatia
Krk (Chakavian - Kharkiv, German - Veglia, Latin - Curicta, Italian - Krk) is a Croatian island in the northern Adriatic Sea, located near Rijeka in the Bay of Kvarner and part of Primorje-Gorski Kotar realm.
Krk is the largest Adriatic island with an area of 405.78 square kilometers (156.67 sq MI), and also the most populated, with numerous towns and villages with a population of 17,860 inhabitants (2001 census).
Although recent polls have shown that Krk is the largest Croatian island, the most recent official data show that they are the same size.
Archaeological discoveries show that the island has been inhabited since the Neolithic era. According to Greek and Latin sources, is one of the islands of Krk Apsyrtidian, or Cassiteridian Electridian Liburnians owned. There are remains of prehistoric settlements near and dear Bascanska Bronze Age iron near Malinska, Dobrinj, Vrbnik and Baska.
Krk came under Romanian domination once defeated Liburnians. Town Krk (Curicum) became a town under Italian law, whose status has changed to give municipalities the right. Nobody knows anything about the internal organizations of Krk town at the time. Near thermal baths remain current Franciscan monastery which has been found. Curicum Roman defensive walls were among the safest cities in the eastern Adriatic fortified by the Romans.
They started work on building them during the civil war in Rome (50 BC) and were further consolidated in the 60s of the second century AD, to enable them to resist the attacks Quadi and Marcamanniilor threatening the Adriatic Sea. Not far from Krk, in 49 BC was a major decisive battle between Caesar and Pompey, as described by the impressive Roman writer Lucan (39-65 AD), in his Pharsalos. When the empire was divided, Krk came under the domination of the Eastern Roman Empire.
Krk is located rather close to the mainland and was connected to it by a concrete arch bridge with two 1430 m long, in 1980, one of the longest concrete bridges in the world. Given the proximity to the city of Rijeka and hosting Omisalj also Rijeka International Airport, and an oil refinery. A monastery is located on the small island in a bay Košljun coast of Krk.
Krk is a popular tourist destination due to proximity to Slovenia, southern Germany, Austria and northern Italy. Since the collapse of Eastern Bloc, many tourists came from Hungary, Romania and other former Eastern Bloc countries.
Krk | Krk (Chakavian - Kharkiv, German - Veglia, Latin - Curicta, Italian - Krk) is a Croatian island in the northern Adriatic Sea, located near Rijeka in the Bay of Kvarner and part of Primorje-Gorski Kotar realm
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