About Hvar - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Hvar recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (54 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Hvar, Insula Hvar
Hvar is a port city in Croatia, Split-Dalmatia county owned, located on the island of Hvar (the fourth island and the second longest stretch of the Dalmatian archipelago) in the Adriatic Sea. The city, located on the west side of the island, it is the administrative center and has a population of about 4,000 inhabitants.
Hvar Town has a long and distinguished history as a center of commerce and culture in the Adriatic Sea. It was an independent commune in the Venetian Empire between the thirteenth century and the eighteenth century and at the same time, an important naval base.
Cultural life flourished here early, Hvar hosted one of the oldest theaters in Europe, opened in 1612. Seven centuries old walls can still be observed, as many noble houses and public buildings dating from 15 to 17.
Since the nineteenth century, Hvar port is no longer a military base, which is why Hvar Hygienic Society (Higijeničko u društvo Hvaru) took the reins of the city economy, directing it into a new direction - tourism.
Today, the city has a variety of hotels, galleries, museums and exhibitions. These include Arsenal, Loggia, Croatian Institute and the Heritage Museum, which house collections of art and archeology.
Port of Hvar, situated in a picturesque natural bay protected by a chain of islands south Pakleni Otoci, is a haven for boats throughout the year. Yacht port is popular for browsing on the Adriatic and surrounding areas, especially in summer months. There are regular ferry services from Port with destination Split, Brac, Korcula, Lastovo and Vis.
Hvar | Hvar is a port city in Croatia, Split-Dalmatia county owned, located on the island of Hvar (the fourth island and the second longest stretch of the Dalmatian archipelago) in the Adriatic Sea. The city, located on the west side of the island, it is the
administrative center and has a population of about 4,000 inhabitants
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