About Dugi Otok - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Dugi Otok recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (26 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Dugi Otok, Island Croatia
Dugi Otok is a length of about 45 km and width between 1 and 4 km. The island boasts numerous bays, coves are the best known and Telascica Sakarun.
Telascica natural park is characterized by three phenomena: Telascica Bay is one of the most beautiful and largest natural harbors Adriatiatice sea, and includes six islands with sharp rocks, 25 bays, an attractive anchorage; ascent "Stene "Dugi Otok island has a height of 200m above sea level, and descend down to 90m below sea level. There are more birds nesting as the falcon or falcon gray Eleonora; salt lake Mir with curative mud, is endemic species habitat - eel kajman.
At Dugi Otok is an olive grove Saljsko Polje, called "olive forest" with Olive aged 700 years.
Dugi Otok beaches are mostly rocky terraces and villages are dotted with concrete. Coast is not great height and can be easily accessible both by sea and landward. In the north of the island is a beautiful sandy beach Saharun. Nudism is practiced often, except around the villages and beaches to ports.
Dugi Otok | Dugi Otok is a length of about 45 km and width between 1 and 4 km. The island boasts numerous bays, coves are the best known and Telascica Sakarun.
Telascica natural park is characterized by three phenomena: Telascica Bay is one of the most beautiful and largest natural harbors Adriatiatice sea, and includes six islands with sharp rocks, 25 bays, an attractive anchorage; ascent "Stene "Dugi Otok island
has a height of 200m above sea level, and descend down to 90m below sea level
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