About Dubrovnik - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Dubrovnik recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (50 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik
Called the pearl of Croatian tourism, has always been rich architectural and cultural treasure for tourists, artists and culture lovers, the old city walls and fortresses were included in the UNESCO list of cultural heritage. Besides the natural and cultural sightseeing tours in the city and its vicinity, visitors can visit the Prince is bound to receive his guests at Rector's Palace.
Dubrovnik was founded by the union of two small towns: Laus, which was only a small island on the southern coast of Dalmatia, which offered shelter to refugees and the Italian town of Dubrava Epidaurum a settlement of Slavic immigrants in the foothills Srđ. Tight wet land was later filled with earth, unifying the city around the new-format markets.
The town was fortified, and will be built two ports on each side of the isthmus. Or maritime commerce has grown to become the only city-state on the east coast of the Adriatic Sea, which rivals Venice in the Middle Ages. Supported by diplomacy to flourish and experienced, Dubrovnik has experienced a remarkable level of development in the XV and XVI.
Dubrovnik was one of the centers of the development of the Croatian language, native place for many poets and writers as Ivan Marin Držić Gundula. Notable were also painters and Lovro Vicko Dobričević, and scientists as Ruđer Getaldić Marin Josip Boskov. The city was ruled by aristrocatie, and marriage between members of the three social classes was strictly forbidden. Ceremonial head of state was Prince or during Venetian suzerainty Rector. But real power was in the hands of two Councils (Vijeće) which had as members representatives of the nobility. Dubrovnik government was liberal in some things. He abolished slavery in 1418 and became the first state to recognize the new-format independent countries, the United States of America. Old flag of the city contains the word Libertas (freedom) and at the entrance Lovrijenac fortress, located outside the city walls, is the inscription Non bene pro toto Libertas venditur gold, is not good to sell freedom for all the gold.
The climate of Dubrovnik is characterized by hot, dry summers and mild winters. The average air temperature in the coldest month (February) is 4.6 ° C and the warmest (August) 26.2 ° C. Cold half of the year collect 68% of all rainfall a year, spring number 29, Winter 14, Fall 26 and Winter 37 rainy days out of a total of 105 such days. Snow is rare. With 2554 hours of sunshine in the sky, Dubrovnik ranks among the sunniest cities in southern Europe.
Dubrovnik | Called the pearl of Croatian tourism, has always been rich architectural and cultural treasure for tourists, artists and culture lovers, the old city walls and fortresses were included in the UNESCO list of cultural heritage
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