About Dubrovnik - presentation, information, photos and recommendations

Dubrovnik recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (50 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik

Called the pearl of Croatian tourism, has always been rich architectural and cultural treasure for tourists, artists and culture lovers, the old city walls and fortresses were included in the UNESCO list of cultural heritage. Besides the natural and cultural sightseeing tours in the city and its vicinity, visitors can visit the Prince is bound to receive his guests at Rector's Palace.

Dubrovnik was founded by the union of two small towns: Laus, which was only a small island on the southern coast of Dalmatia, which offered shelter to refugees and the Italian town of Dubrava Epidaurum a settlement of Slavic immigrants in the foothills Srđ. Tight wet land was later filled with earth, unifying the city around the new-format markets.

The town was fortified, and will be built two ports on each side of the isthmus. Or maritime commerce has grown to become the only city-state on the east coast of the Adriatic Sea, which rivals Venice in the Middle Ages. Supported by diplomacy to flourish and experienced, Dubrovnik has experienced a remarkable level of development in the XV and XVI.

Dubrovnik was one of the centers of the development of the Croatian language, native place for many poets and writers as Ivan Marin Držić Gundula. Notable were also painters and Lovro Vicko Dobričević, and scientists as Ruđer Getaldić Marin Josip Boskov. The city was ruled by aristrocatie, and marriage between members of the three social classes was strictly forbidden. Ceremonial head of state was Prince or during Venetian suzerainty Rector. But real power was in the hands of two Councils (Vijeće) which had as members representatives of the nobility. Dubrovnik government was liberal in some things. He abolished slavery in 1418 and became the first state to recognize the new-format independent countries, the United States of America. Old flag of the city contains the word Libertas (freedom) and at the entrance Lovrijenac fortress, located outside the city walls, is the inscription Non bene pro toto Libertas venditur gold, is not good to sell freedom for all the gold.

The climate of Dubrovnik is characterized by hot, dry summers and mild winters. The average air temperature in the coldest month (February) is 4.6 ° C and the warmest (August) 26.2 ° C. Cold half of the year collect 68% of all rainfall a year, spring number 29, Winter 14, Fall 26 and Winter 37 rainy days out of a total of 105 such days. Snow is rare. With 2554 hours of sunshine in the sky, Dubrovnik ranks among the sunniest cities in southern Europe.

Dubrovnik | Called the pearl of Croatian tourism, has always been rich architectural and cultural treasure for tourists, artists and culture lovers, the old city walls and fortresses were included in the UNESCO list of cultural heritage

Information source 

Top hotels in Dubrovnik

Hotel Vis, Dubrovnik

Hotel Vis  

   Score 8.8/10 out of 4 reviews

Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

  • Hotel with parking  
  • Airplane (09/20 - 11/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Grand Villa Argentina, Dubrovnik

Grand Villa Argentina  

Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

  • Hotel with outdoor pool  
  • Airplane (06/05 - 11/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Petka, Dubrovnik

Hotel Petka  

   Score 9.4/10 out of 1 reviews

Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

  • Hotel with parking  
  • Airplane (06/14 - 11/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Splendid, Dubrovnik

Hotel Splendid  

   Score 8.1/10 out of 1 reviews

Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

  • Hotel with children playground  
  • Airplane (09/20 - 11/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Valamar Club Dubrovnik Hotel, Dubrovnik

Valamar Club Dubrovnik Hotel  

   Score 8.5/10 out of 2 reviews

Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

  • All Inclusive  
  • Airplane (09/13 - 11/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Zagreb Hotel, Dubrovnik

Zagreb Hotel

Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

    • Airplane (06/03 - 10/07/2025)
    • No transport provided
    Hotel Villa Glavic, Dubrovnik

    Hotel Villa Glavic

    Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

    • Hotel with indoor pool  
    • Airplane (06/03 - 10/07/2025)
    • No transport provided
    Villa Amfora Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik

    Villa Amfora Dubrovnik

    Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

    • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
    • Airplane (06/03 - 10/07/2025)
    • No transport provided
    Mia Apartments, Dubrovnik

    Mia Apartments  

    Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

    • Hotel near beach  
    • Airplane (03/15 - 03/14/2026)
    • No transport provided
    Kate Apartments, Dubrovnik

    Kate Apartments

    Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

      • Airplane (06/03 - 10/07/2025)
      • No transport provided
      Old Town Finest , Dubrovnik

      Old Town Finest

      Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

      • Hotel family hotels  
      • Airplane (03/19 - 03/18/2026)
      • No transport provided
      Apartments Matusko, Dubrovnik

      Apartments Matusko  

      Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

      • Hotel with outdoor pool  
      • Airplane (03/25 - 03/24/2026)
      • No transport provided
      Apartments Carmelitta, Dubrovnik

      Apartments Carmelitta

      Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

      • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
      • Airplane (06/03 - 10/07/2025)
      • No transport provided
      Apartments Palma, Dubrovnik

      Apartments Palma

      Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

      • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
      • Airplane (03/21 - 03/20/2026)
      • No transport provided
      House Perone, Dubrovnik

      House Perone  

      Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

      • Hotel near beach  
      • Airplane (03/13 - 03/12/2026)
      • No transport provided
      Orhan Rooms Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik

      Orhan Rooms Dubrovnik

      Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

        • Airplane (01/12 - 01/11/2026)
        • No transport provided
        Apartments Princ Hrvoje, Dubrovnik

        Apartments Princ Hrvoje

        Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

        • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
        • Airplane (01/12 - 01/11/2026)
        • No transport provided
        Adriatic, Dubrovnik


        Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

        • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
        • Airplane (06/05 - 12/31/2025)
        • No transport provided
        Inat, Dubrovnik


        Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

          • Airplane (03/19 - 03/18/2026)
          • No transport provided
          Booba Rooms, Dubrovnik

          Booba Rooms

          Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

            • Airplane (03/19 - 03/18/2026)
            • No transport provided
            Hotel Ivka, Dubrovnik

            Hotel Ivka  

            Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

            • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
            • Airplane (06/14 - 11/14/2025)
            • No transport provided
            Hotel Villa Marija, Dubrovnik

            Hotel Villa Marija

            Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

            • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
            • Airplane (03/24 - 03/23/2026)
            • No transport provided
            Apartments Kiki, Dubrovnik

            Apartments Kiki

            Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

              • Airplane (06/03 - 10/07/2025)
              • No transport provided
              Apartments Bulic, Dubrovnik

              Apartments Bulic

              Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

                • Airplane (03/19 - 03/18/2026)
                • No transport provided
                Apartments Ivan, Dubrovnik

                Apartments Ivan

                Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia

                  • Airplane (01/05 - 01/04/2026)
                  • No transport provided

                  Map of hotels Dubrovnik

                  Travel map Dubrovnik

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                  Clients remarks about Dubrovnik


                  Horea, group of friends 07/11/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                  - frumos, isi merita renumele. Scump pentruca isi permite.


                  Mircea F, lonely traveler 06/08/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                  Un oras superb insa destul de mic. Orasul vechi "merita toti banii". achizitionati Dubrovnik Card pt a beneficia de preturi mai bune la obiective turistice.


                  Nicoleta, family with children 09/13/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                  Foarte frumos


                  Attila, lonely traveler 07/27/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                  Statiinea este deosebit de frumoasa. Orasul este bine structurat cu multiple optiuni de transport, inchirieri masini si scootere, taxi, uber, autobus local. In toto orasul, dar mai ales in centrul vechi este foarte cald in aceasta perioada. Este esential o hidratare corespunzatoare, pe tot parcursul zilei. Cemtrul vechi este foarte aglomerat in timpul zilei dar forfota este si mare dupa apusul soarelui. taxele de intrare pentru vestigii, muzee, expozitii mi s-au parut prea mari in raport cu ceea ce ofereau vizitatorului ca si experienta.


                  Emil , group of friends 07/25/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                  Spui Dubrovnik ?i spui tot. Extraordinar totul de la transportul in comun la obiectivele pe care le-ai putea vizita.


                  Narcis , family with children 07/04/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                  Mihai, couple 08/28/2021DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                  Doina Ene, couple 08/07/2021DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                  Mariana, couple 07/10/2021DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                  Superb totul.


                  Cristina, couple 07/11/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                  Orasul este superb, plin de istorie, iar hotelul foarte aproape de centru, are si plaja


                  Lupulescu, family with children 08/07/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                  orasul superb, plaja cu pietris , apa limpede si curata,


                  Liliana, couple 08/05/2015DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                  Un oras pe care ar trebui sa-l vizitezi macar o data in viata. O bijuterie medievala bine conservata, intesata de strazi inguste, cladiri care adapostesc biserici, muzee, restaurante ( o multime), magazine de suveniruri. Un trecut complex ancorat intr-un prezent mercantil,


                  ????????(ru), group of friends 10/16/2012


                  ??????(ru), group of friends 09/18/2012


                  ????(ru), group of friends 09/17/2012


                  Zuskin(sk), group of friends 09/11/2012


                  RICHARD(fr), group of friends 08/20/2012


                  Carmen, group of friends 09/05/2011DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                  Dubrovnik is such a sensational destination that you don't have to miss it.


                  Carmen, group of friends 08/31/2011


                  Nagy(hu), group of friends 08/27/2011


                  Kálmán Zoltán(hu), group of friends 08/24/2011


                  Veréb(hu), group of friends 08/16/2011


                  Dinu(ro), group of friends 08/15/2011


                  Beneš(cs), group of friends 08/02/2011


                  ?????????(uk), group of friends 06/07/2011


                  Csengeri(sk), group of friends 09/23/2010


                  Slivenská(cs), group of friends 09/23/2010


                  ????????(ru), group of friends 09/15/2010


                  ????????(ru), group of friends 09/14/2010


                  Bobrowski(pl), group of friends 09/13/2010


                  Bogdan, group of friends 09/12/2010


                  Troanca(en), group of friends 09/09/2010


                  canapini(it), group of friends 09/04/2010


                  giugliano(it), group of friends 08/30/2010


                  CIPRIAN, group of friends 08/30/2010


                  Antonio, group of friends 08/23/2010


                  ?????????(ru), group of friends 08/23/2010


                  ???????????(ru), group of friends 08/23/2010


                  Sazonov(ru), group of friends 07/30/2010


                  Наталья(ru), group of friends 07/27/2010


                  joanna(pl), group of friends 02/03/2010


                  Blazewicz(pl), group of friends 09/22/2009


                  ?????(ru), group of friends 09/20/2009


                  Nedelea(ro), group of friends 09/07/2009


                  Maria, group of friends 08/25/2009


                  Attiláné(hu), group of friends 08/04/2009


                  Ирина(ru), group of friends 09/26/2008


                  Věra(cs), group of friends 08/17/2008


                  JoannaKowalska(pl), group of friends 08/12/2008


                  Jarda(cs), group of friends 03/29/2008

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