About Cavtat - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Cavtat recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Cavtat, Dubrovnik
Port town, located 20 km from Dubrovnik between two peninsulas, is the cultural center of the southern coast of Croatia.
The southernmost city in Croatia, Cavtat is a small town (about 1500 instead), which abounds in greenery, romantic streets and terraces where you can Adir spectacular sunset over the harbor tour.
Cavtat benefits from multiple cultural events during the summer, concerts are the majority. Cavtat and Dubrovnik Riviera is part of the city is especially attractive because of lush Mediterranean vegetation, the town and enjoying a long and beautiful promenade area (about 7 km.) Surrounded by the beautiful pine trees. Cultural and artistic events, and romanticism city accommodation are good reasons for Cavtat annually attracts over 80,000 tourists and businessmen visiting
In South Dalmatia can see the largest and most indented delta in Croatia - Neretva River delta, near the town, to fertile river through the valley directly influence the development of this region.
Cavtat | Port town, located 20 km from Dubrovnik between two peninsulas, is the cultural center of the southern coast of Croatia.
The southernmost city in Croatia, Cavtat is a small town (about 1500 instead), which abounds in greenery, romantic streets and terraces where you can Adir spectacular sunset over the harbor tour
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