About Brela - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Brela recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (4 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Brela, Middle Dalmatia
These two cities are places of entertainment, sport and youth. During the summer unfolds various plays, concerts, expozizii and events such as "Dinner fisherman".
Rivierelor beaches Brela and Baska Voda are beautiful and have a length of several kilometers. Nobody can remain indifferent to the beauty of crystal blue sea that washes the endless pebbly beaches. Both destinations have Blue Flag, an international award for quality and environmental cleanliness.
In recent decades Brela has become one of the most sought and exclusive destinations in Dalmatia, primarily due to the incredible natural beauty, beaches romantic sand and gravel along which the shade of pine trees are located hotels and modern holiday villages with a rich variety of content.
Brel is famous symbol Punta Rosa beach with natural phenomena, rock surrounded by crystal clear sea which there are various legends about how it was created. Apart from the famous beach Punta Rosa, Brela is known as the place with the most "white beaches" on the Adriatic, who are known among Soline and Stomarica.
Brela | Baska Voda and Brela are the most popular tourist spots on the Makarska Riviera . Baska Voda and Brela are located 15 km away from Makarska in direction of Split.
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