About Biograd - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Biograd recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (13 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Biograd, North Dalmatia
Located about 30 km. town south of Zadar, Biograd town (which means "the sea") is a beautiful city in Northern Dalmatia, which annually attracts thousands of tourists both because of historic remains, and especially advantageous because of its location for visiting many National Parks area.
Biograd Town Museum has an impressive collection of archaeological remains, pots sec. XVI. Occupy a small and beautiful city that offers a spectacular peninsula overlooking the island of Pasman - island olive. If there is a place on the Adriatic Coast to be visited and explored for its beauty, the ideal position, harmony, cordiality and closeness to the people most important Croatian national parks and protected areas of nature, then it is certainly Biograd.
Biograd probably has its origins in ancient ruins Blandone. Biograd is first mentioned in the tenth century and in the eleventh century and Bishop Biograd becomes royal seat.
Biograd | Located about 30 km. town south of Zadar, Biograd town (which means "the sea") is a beautiful city in Northern Dalmatia, which annually attracts thousands of tourists both because of historic remains, and especially advantageous because of its location
for visiting many National Parks area
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